Virginia Hart

Virginia Hart

CEO and Founder

Virginia Hart has been an insurance agent for over 25 years, the last 20 years specializing in insurance for all aspects of assisted reproduction.  As founder and CEO of ART Risk Financial and Insurance Solutions, Inc. she remains current on insurance issues and works with her clients to find the best solution, whether it be through commercial insurance, specialty products, or financial case management.

It is because of her extensive breadth of knowledge and expertise in the Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) field, Virginia is known as an industry leader.  She is a requested guest lecturer at the ABA (American Bar Association) Family Law section yearly conferences, the LGBT Center in New York City conferences as well as SEEDS Brown Bag Series events.  Additionally, Ms. Hart has a published article in the ABA Section of Family Law “Family Advocate” magazine and serves on the Men Having Babies Advisory Board.  As CEO, Virginia works to develop products and cost management solutions in the ART community, as the insurance world is ever changing.  Virginia states: “Helping to find financial solutions for people wanting to create a family in the ART community is one of my greatest joys.  Seeing their dreams come true drives our company forward to find the solutions to help make their dreams come true.”

Sarah Paige

Sarah Paige


Sarah Paige has been a professional in the ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) insurance field since 2010.  As Chief Operating Officer of ART Risk Financial and Insurance Solutions, Inc., and a licensed insurance agent, she remains current on all insurance issues pertinent to the ART field and works to find the best solutions for the ART Risk Solutions clients embarking on surrogacy journeys.  With her extensive breadth of knowledge and expertise in the ART community, Sarah has been requested as a guest speaker for American Bar Association Section of Family Law, SEEDS Brown Bag Series, and podcast, “Put A Baby In Me”.  One of Ms. Paige’s professional accomplishments was serving as an expert witness for Nevada State Assembly Bill AB472 alongside its Author, Kimberly Surratt, in the 2019 legislature with Nevada accepting and placing into law inclusive insurance language for surrogacy coverage.  She is an insurance liaison for the Above The Law blog, has written/co-written several articles for the quarterly SEEDS newsletter, served as the SEEDS Co-Chair for Membership 2020-2021, and currently serves on the Men Having Babies Advisory Circle.  Ms. Paige’s focus is always to offer clients the knowledge to help them better understand their liability exposures and the best available financial risk management solutions with her emphasis in enabling the ART community to make the soundest insurance choices for a surrogacy journey.

Jesse Montano

Jesse Montano

Director of Client Partnerships

In 2007, Jesse Montano began his career specializing in insurance for the ART community and joined the ART Risk team in 2011. Bilingual in Spanish and English, Jesse travels to several ART industry conferences throughout the US yearly. Jesse oversees all Donor Complications Insurance products and as Director of Client Partnerships, he is passionate, committed to the ART Risk mission, and seeks to build relationships with clients through his genuine nature and enthusiasm for those he assists.

“It gives me great joy to assist Intending Parents to fulfill their dreams of creating a family. I personally have my own dream of creating a family through surrogacy or adoption, so I can really empathize with each individual journey and the overall process. I have gotten to know many industry professionals on a personal level and can honestly say, they are my friends.”

Jesse is the middle child of 5 and was raised by a single Mom, who he says instilled manners, faith, and most importantly, a strong work ethic. He is big on family co-existing with one another and creating meaningful memories.  Jesse loves traveling and is a true warrior, as he is very open about his journey and is currently in remission.

Candace Greer

Candace Greer

Director of Agent Operations – Strategic Accounts/Team Lead

Candace Greer began her career at ART Risk in 2014 and has been a licensed agent since 2016.  Her clients (and team members) often describe her as tremendously dedicated because she continually delivers timely communication and excellent service to her agencies and Intended Parents.   Candace attends yearly conferences and monthly webinars to advance her knowledge about the ART industry and learn new information about the insurance options for her clients.  Because of her commitment and drive, Candace is highly regarded by the agencies and Intended Parents that she assists.

"I am blessed with a family of my own and being able to be a small part in helping others have a family is amazing." 

Candace loves camping with her family and traveling anywhere, making new memories.  She is mom to a son and daughter and enjoys watching them in their respective activities and spending time together as a family.

Bonnie Gerasimov

Bonnie Gerasimov

Client Success Manager - Financial and Administrative Services Team Lead

Bonnie Gerasimov has been with ART Risk since 2014 and has brought her attention to detail and vast commitment to make it right for her clients to each of the positions she has served.  As the Claims Coordination Team Lead, Bonnie has extensive knowledge with insurance policy language and advocates on behalf of the ART Risk clients to uphold policy integrity by filing grievances, appeals, and contacting the Departments of Insurance when necessary.  Bonnie is passionate about providing exceptional service to her clients and will seek solutions and outcomes that are fair and in their best interest.

"Being a part of the reproductive industry is rewarding, knowing that you are helping build people's dreams to grow their families." 

Bonnie is a proud mom of three children.  She loves spending time with her extended family and also baking, doing crafts, and hiking with her three daughters and husband.